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Sport and healthy living

Mens sana in corpore sano

Sport and physical activity are considered essential values for a healthy lifestyle. These habits should therefore be encouraged from an early age and form part of the children’s lifestyle.

As well as a full curriculum of sport and physical activity, it is also important to have suitable sports facilities and resources, as physical activity in the right setting is much easier and more meaningful for the students, helping them understand its importance.

With regard to nutrition, we also consider it essential for children to acquire healthy habits from early childhood. They should learn what to eat and how to eat it, and conscious discussion of this topic with the students and their families is also a learning objective.


From a very young age, children should be aware of all the parts of their bodies, and moving and using them adequately is something that can be learnt. It is therefore important for the Pre-primary students to develop mobility, body coordination, reflexes and other aspects, in accordance with suitable psychomotricity planning.

When we work on psychomotricity we are training the brain, as the brain coordinates the whole body and training the body to respond precisely to the orders it receives from the brain is essential.

Playing in natural surroundings

Nature and open spaces are superb resources to aid the students’ physical development, and it is therefore important for them to feel comfortable outdoors and in contact with nature. Being outdoors is also an ideal way of developing their sight, touch, smell and hearing for all-round development of the brain: these are significant sources of essential information about our surrounding environment.

Sport as an extracurricular activity

The ikastola also offers a wide range of out-of-school sports activities, which is further proof of the importance it attaches to sport and a healthy lifestyle.

From an early age to post-secondary level, the students have a varied choice of extracurricular sports activities, either at lunchtime, in the afternoon or at weekends.

What matters is not so much which sport they do or when they do it, but the fact that they are engaging in sport.


Adequate sports facilities

Doing sport without the right resources hinders achievement. We therefore attempt to use the Ikastola’s sports facilities to the full so that both younger and older students can play all the sports they want.

Judo, swimming, basketball, football, volleyball, hockey, handball and climbing are some of sports available to them at the ikastola.

Learning to swim and other sports activities

The first step to knowing whether you like a particular sport is actually engaging in it, so different sports are offered by both the Ikastola’s Physical Education programme and the Extracurricular Action Plan.

Water sports are particularly important and all the Ikastola students learn to swim from Primary level onwards as part of the Physical Education programme.


11Lauaxeta Ikastola
Exercise with the family

Engaging in sport and physical activity with the family is something children very much enjoy, so the Ikastola organises family excursions several weekends a year. Each family moves at its own pace towards its own goal, but the intention is for everyone to do sport and take exercise.

These activities take place in a natural setting and are coordinated by the Ikastola’s instructors.

Developing healthy eating habits

Sport is essential to good health, and suitable nutrition is also a vital requisite for acquiring good habits.

At Lauaxeta, all the students have their daily lunch at the school canteen. The food eaten at the Ikastola is cooked at Lauaxeta’s own kitchen and the menus are designed by professional nutritionists. The suitability of the menus is also regularly checked by external inspectors.

Fruit, vegetables, quality proteins, a balanced diet and less fried food are just some of the mainstays of the menu. The students also eat the vegetables they grow themselves at the Ikastola school garden throughout the year as part of the Bertoko Plan. This plan also involves prioritising food grown by local producers.

All the Pre-primary and Primary students also receive a healthy mid-morning snack (hamaiketako) at the Ikastola. They are given a different type of fruit each day, so that they gradually acquire good eating habits.

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Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop. cumple con los requisitos establecidos en la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, en la Ley 56/2007, de 28 de diciembre, de Medidas de Impulso de la Sociedad de la Información, así como en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, sobre Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, y su normativa de desarrollo, y a tal fin ha creado este aviso legal.

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