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Vacation activities

Spring activities

Egonaldiak in Primary Education

In Primary, with the Egonaldiak, a program of weekend stays is carried out, organized by courses and guided by the teams of monitors of the Lauaxeta camps. With the aim of deepening the cohesion of the group, they work on dynamics adapted to the age of the participants and the environment and are extended from Friday afternoon to Saturday noon. An opportunity for leisure and development for children, in their first adventures away from home.


Spring activities

Udabarrilekuak for 1st- 4th grade of Primary Education

“Negulekuak” includes playful and safe quality activities in a Basque-speaking environment, while trying to contribute to the reconciliation of families.

It is aimed at students in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Primary School and will take place at the ikastola during the Easter vacations. The schedule will be from 9:00 to 16:30 hours (from 7:30 to 9:00 in the morning there will be a babysitting service for those who request it).

There will be lunch service, but no transportation.

For those who have children in kindergarten, we remind you that a childcare service is also available for the same dates and that the registration period will be extended until December 10.


Winter activities

Negulekuak for 1st- 4th grade of Primary Education

“Negulekuak” includes playful and safe quality activities in a Basque-speaking environment, while trying to contribute to the reconciliation of families.

It is aimed at students in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Primary School and will take place at the ikastola during Christmas hollidays. The schedule will be from 9:00 to 16:30 hours (from 7:30 to 9:00 in the morning there will be a babysitting service for those who request it).

There will be lunch service, but no transportation.

For those who have children in kindergarten, we remind you that a childcare service is also available for the same dates and that the registration period will be extended until December 10.


Summer activities

Day activities
Txiki Lauaxeta

Open summer camps for children aged 3, 4 and 5, in Pre-primary and first and second year of Primary education.

A leisure activity run on a weekly basis, with special programming and an appealing offer of activities for the children to have fun with friends in summer – treasure hunts, trips, etc.

Click on the link below to find out more.

11LH 2
11LH tailerrak
Koxkor Lauaxeta

One-week open summer camps for students in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth years of Primary school, at the Lauaxeta Ikastola facilities.

The students learn Basque by engaging in different activities in a healthy environment, with a different fun programme each day.

Click on the button below for more information.

Gazte Lauaxeta

A one-week summer camp for Post-secondary students. Surfing classes, hiking in the mountains, art workshops, etc.

Quality leisure time in natural surroundings, playing sport and hanging out with friends.

Click on the button below for more information.

Nagusi Lauaxeta

For high school students we offer the possibility to complete their studies during the holiday period, because vacations give the possibility to rest and relax, but also to increase their knowledge and skills useful for their personal future.

To learn more about this offer click on the button below.

Hostel stays
Lizarra Camp

A two-week stay at the El Puy hostel in Estella, combining nature, adventure and sport, for students in the third and fourth year of Primary school.
Click on the button below to view the Instagram profile and find out more about this summer camp.

The Lizarra Camp on Instagram


Eguino Camp

A two week-stay at the Eguino hostel for fifth and sixth year Vocational Training students.
 The full action plan combines nature, adventure and sport: climbing, olympic tournaments, etc.

Click on the button below to view the Instagram profile and find out more about this summer camp.

Eguino Camp

11Atzerrian egonaldiak
International exchange programmes
Stays abroad

The Lauaxeta students have the chance to attend summer courses abroad, in collaboration with the EAS VELE agency. This is an extraordinary experience for students in Secondary ang High School, and a unique opportunity to improve their language proficiency. In January, a meeting is held with the families of the students interested in taking part, at which they are given detailed information on the courses.

English Camps

This English camp provided with Mondragon Lingua, takes the form of a total linguistic immersion. Participants will consolidate and enhance their English communication skills as well as enjoying an excellent stay combining learning and leisure activities. For students from third year of Primary to second year of secondary, both Ikastola students and others.

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  • Pribatutasun politika

Pribatutasun politika

Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop. cumple con los requisitos establecidos en la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, en la Ley 56/2007, de 28 de diciembre, de Medidas de Impulso de la Sociedad de la Información, así como en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, sobre Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, y su normativa de desarrollo, y a tal fin ha creado este aviso legal.

Web gunearen jabetza domeinua, Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop.ena da
Helbidea: Barrio San Miguel z/g- 48290 Amorebieta-Etxano
Tel.: 946300020
Fax: 946300181

Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop. Familia kooperatiba bat dugu, irabazteko asmo gabea eta Administrazioak interes publikodun bezala zehaztutakoa, euskaldun y eleaniztuna, gizartearekin konprometitua eta osotzen duten pertsonei erabat irekia.

Lauaxetako estatutuak, 1988kop azaroaren 29an onartu ziran eta Elkarte Kooperatiboen Inskripzio Liburuan jasoak, BI-365 zenbakiaz aurkitu daitezkelarik.

Bere helburu soziala, Unibertsitate aurreko hezkuntza zerbitzuak eskaintzea da eta horretarako maila, etapa, ziklo, gradu eta modalitate desberdinak ditu aukeran. Aldi berean hainbat eskolaz kanpoko eta udako ekintza eskaintzen ditu.

Webgunearen helburua

Webgune honek, Lauaxeta Ikastolako familiei edota interesdunei, Lauaxeta Ikastolaren hezkuntza inguruko ekintza, zerbitzu eta albisteen berri ematea du helburu. Webgunea bisitatzeak beronen erabiltzaile bihurtzen du bisitaria eta ohar honetan zehazten beronen baldintzak onartzea dakar berarekin batera.

Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop.ek webgune honetako edukiak hobeagotu, aldatu edota ezabatzeko gaitasuna du, ala erabakiz gero,

Webgune honetako edukiak, familia, ikasle edota interesdunei Informazioa helarazteko helburuz zehaztu dira.

Gune honen bitartez eskaintzen diran eduki oro (testuak, irudiak, soinuak, audioak, bideoak, diseinuak, software,…) Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop.enak dira, edota dagokionean, hirugarren batenak. Hauen erreprodukzioa egin nahi izanez gero, iturriak aipatzea eta gure webgunerako lotura zehaztea beharrezko izango dira.

Lauaxeta Ikastola, S.Coop. ez da webgune honen erabiltzaileek egin dezaketen erabilera okerrari lotutako kalteen erantzule egiten, ezta hauek egin dezaketen arau-hausteen arduradun egiten.

Datuen babesa

Webgune honen bitartez, ate irekiak, kontaktu edota blogari lotutako formulario bidezko informazio eskatzaileen datuak biltzen dira. Inola ere, datuok ez dira hirugarrenen eskutan jarriko eta informazio eskatzaileen zerbitzua betetzerakoan ezabatuak izango dira.

Blogean harpidetutako pertsonak, edozein momentutan eskatu ahalgo dute bertan baja ematea.

Aldi berean, hautagaien datuak ere biltzen dira eta hauek bildutako informazioa ere ez da hirugarrenen eskutan jarriko eta ezabatua izango da, zaharkitua dela ulertzen denean.

Edozein kasutan ere, interesa duenak, bere onespena aldatu dezake, datuak ezabatu edota aldatzeko eskatuz, idatziz edota San Miguel z/g- 48290 Amorebieta-Etxano helbidera zuzenduz.

Cookiak eta loturak

Wegune honek cookiak erabiltzen ditu, hau dau, ordenagailuan kokatzen diran testu artxiboak, websiteari, bisitarien erabilketaren analisia egiten laguntzeko helburuz. Cookie horiek inoiz ere ez dute informazio pertsonalik jasotzen.

Erabiltzaileak, nabigatzailea ere konfiguratzeko aukera du, cookie hauen instalazioa eragotziz, baina baliteke horren ondorioz webgunearen funtzionaltasun guztiak erabili ezin izatea.

Indarrean dagoen araudia

Aipatutako baldintzak, indarrean dagoen araudiaren araberakoak dira.